Sunday 12 October 2014

Beginning the 2014/2015 growing season.

Season 2014/2015:

Opening the new season with Peach Fantasy is a great way to go.
Our weather hasn't been kind, with the winds being very destructive and the temperature up one minute and down the next.

As you can see poor Peach Fantasy is a bit tattered, but still very pretty.
I will use it in my hybridising this year.Personally I like it just the way it is, I am not out to improve it in any way. Though the thought of crossing it with others that change colour as much as it does is tempting.
This Arborea has grown and flowered from a very old seed, I thought that it was something else growing, but it turned out to be an Arborea.
I was very pleased as I didn't have one and it will be very useful if I get into hybridising the Sphaeros at any has two pods on it, it's own and I used it to cross with these two Sang hybrids just to try it..
 The Arborea might put some perfume into their offspring, I hope that it doesn't make the seedlings too pale. We'll see how they go. The pods are very fast growing, I will be able to plant them early summer.

 Grasshopper's Choice has started the year early, yellow singles as usual with throats full of petaloids.
This one is proving to be so interesting, first yellow singles then the orange doubles and yellow singles and last season it produced a 10 pointer....
I have quite a few of it's seedlings growing too, so fingers crossed for them.

The first Coldie for the season is this Mobisu x Violet Velvet. I thought that it would change colour as all the others have after a couple of days..
No way, it's staying this colour!

It looks as though I will have to wait for another flush to see it's true colour.
There are seven buds to open from this first flush.

Jean Briggs gave me her green Sphaero (Working name Green Baby) so I hope it grows ok, she had to cut it down to about 15 cms so she could post it. It is looking ok and putting out tiny shoots.
She has chosen a great name for it, we just have to get the cuttings to grow...
I have tried air layering them, so now I just have to wait.
I will post any results here...

The Ruffles & Flourishes x Bergkönigin is now registered as 

Here is the first bloom for the season.