AUTUMN 2014 #3

Now the "coldies" are starting to put on a show..
this (Hurstwood Bryony x Hurstwood Sunshine) X (Sang x Amethyst 4)2 is such a brilliant colour....

The Dancer is on it's way....

This Goldfinch x El Dorado is a very large single white, I was expecting some colour but the flower itself is not a is a good size, long corolla tips, nice perfume, not aurea though....but I might cross it with Old Apricot.....just to put some colour into it...

 Not as large as it looks in the pic though.....that's an optical's about 20 cms without the petal tips.

Rosalla x Sam is such a pretty double it goes thru quite a few colours before it gets to this pink...

This Vixen x Rosabelle is a funny little thing...when it first opened it changed overnight from creamy yellow to a rusty colour....then the next ones to open were a buttery lemon...
So far they haven't changed...though I'm hoping they do, the "rusty" colour is charming..

Here are the flowers this morning, no sign of that interesting colour, mabe it likes the hot days as it was when the Rusty one flowered...
More to come......

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